
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

HI everyone!! I just got back from boot camp a couple days ago and let me tell you it was probably the the hardest, but most fulfilling 4 days. I never realize how much I take food for granted or hot showers or a bed even, until I couldn’t eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, took freezing cold bucket showers, and slept on the ground in my tent. Boot camp opened my eyes to so many things that I didn’t even realize before, in order to prepare us for the mission field. There are a couple things that stood out to me at boot camp that I would like to share with you all and it all comes back to surrendering your life.

The last night of boot camp we talked about how we all have a price point(our life) to which point we would give our salvation up and the enemy knows what it is. Jesus’ price point was that he gave up everything. Are we willing to lay our life down and come alongside God(where we are) to spread the goodness of God? Dion, one of the  speakers at boot camp, shared the verse Philippians 3:7 that says, “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” He asked us if we have sat down and thought about what this next season is going to cost us. And to be honest I haven’t really thought about it until now. Boot camp was just a sliver of what it will be like on the field. I have to be willing to give up everything to love the Lord fully and serve Him and the people around me every single day of my life. Dion encouraged us to spend these next two months loving on people and forgiving people because that is the price of our discipleship.

I think leading up to launch I have always thought well I’ll be sacrificing my life for 9 months so that’s when I’ll start. Or I’ll start sharing the word when I go on my mission trip. But that’s not IT at all. I have to surrender my life today, tomorrow, and every day after that. Living in the kingdom will cost me everything, so am I willing to give up my comforts, my fleshly desires to serve God ALL THE WAY?

These next two months I want to be intentional with the people around me and my relationship with God. It is also comforting to know that I have such a strong community of believers just a phone call away to keep me accountable. My friend Bree in her blog summed up perfectly what our squad is about. “Our squad truly represents the body of Christ so well and we compliment each other beautifully, but the Lord is the only person who truly completes us.” Boot camp was full of deep conversations, worship that I have never experienced in my life, and spiritual trials and tests. But that doesn’t mean it’s over. I encourage everyone to lay down your life and surrender to God to fulfill what God wants in our lives. And that is to love God and loves others to further His kingdom. 

Thank you everyone for coming alongside and supporting me! I seriously couldn’t do it without you all. After meeting my squad and getting a glimpse of what this next year will look like I know confidently that this is what God wants for me and I couldn’t be more excited. 

80 days until launch and it couldn’t come soon enough. H Squad I miss you all and thank you for loving on me and showing me what it truly looks like to live a life fully committed to God. I can’t wait to live with you all for 9 months!!!


With love,


4 responses to “surrender your life”

  1. sweet grace!!! so encouraged by you and your heart for the Lord. i learned so much through this blog! love you so much!!! cant wait to hug you again

  2. Way to listen to the voice of God. So proud of you girl. I can’t wait to see you GROW into the woman that God has called you to be. Your journey will be fulfilling because you have surrendered to the FATHER.

  3. Thank you for the update sweet lady! All glory to Christ…we and others are watching and excited to see how God blessed your pouring out ????