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Thoughts & Inspiration

happy thursday everyone! I want to give you guys a little week update about what life has looked like recently on the race!

       My squad and I were given the opportunity to take Bible School Classes  for 6 weeks. It is with a program called Veritas College. Their motto is equipping to serve. they are all about teaching how to study the Bible so then you can go out and share it with people around you. I have only taken 3 classes so far and I have learned so so much. God is showing me so much through this class and my mind is literally blown! First, we learned how and why the Bible came into being. Then she walked us through the message of different parts of the Bible. For example, from Genesis to Deuteronomy God promises a savior, people continue to sin, all are rebelling against God, and God blessed Abram and rises a nation to fulfill his promise. Secondly, she taught us how God communicates through His word today. The process to interpret the bible is understanding, application, and communication. Thirdly, we learned about absolutes and relatives. She gave us some examples and taught us how to decipher what is an absolute and what is a relative! Lastly, we have learned how to exegesis which means understanding. So what this means is we break up a passage and analyze it and discuss the history behind it. I have loved every minute of it and I’m so grateful I have the opportunity to take these classes while I’m also doing ministry! Down below is a picture of the sunset God gifted us with during Bible class on Tuesday.


       We also had to quarantine for about three days because of some sickness going around! It was such a great opportunity for the squad to be together and just rest and enjoy each other’s company! I got to lead them in some outdoor games and then we had a squad talent show during dinner on Sunday. It was such a good and joyful time. We also had squad church all together about community and what it truly looks like to live in a Godly community. We don’t want to take advantage of it because God has given us these friendships that you don’t normally get at home! I love my squad so much and couldn’t be more grateful them. Down below is a picture of my squad watching the talent show as we laugh and laugh and laugh. 

            This week, as well, I got chosen to work around the house and be on the serve team with 4 other girls from different teams. It has been an honor to be able to serve the squad in this way, and also get to know our ministry host, Wendy, while serving. Everyday on the serve team looks like cleaning the bathrooms, sweeping the house, running errands for dinner, and also helping cook dinners and make lunches. I have enjoyed it a lot. 

       Thank you for reading this little week update! God is so so good and I can’t wait for these next 6 weeks in Jeffrey’s Bay!


5 responses to “week update from: jeffrey’s bay!”

  1. The more I press and study scripture, I find myself having to unlearn mistruths. It sounds like Veritas is teaching you all well. History, understanding and context is everything in applying scripture to our lives.

  2. Thanks, Grace, It was great to hear more about the curriculum and all you’re learning from it. I’m thrilled you’re getting this dedicated time to be equipped to study God’s Word and “rightly handle it” so you can share it with others. Sounds like a good foundation is being laid to build on. Love, love, love it! Hugs.

  3. Hi Grace. I am celebrating with you the gifts God is giving you through HIs Word and the beauty of the world He has made. May HIs joy continue to strengthen you and your squad.

  4. It’s been so wonderful reading all your updates and hearing what God is doing in your life. Praying God’s continued fruitfulness on your ministry and you our Veritas classes. Exciting stuff!!